We thank God for the opportunity to support the work and ministry of All Saints Community Church. If you would like to help us help the community you can support our work financially in two ways.
By Mail
You can send a cheque in the mail to our Post Office address:
All Saints Community Church
P.O. Box 75068
R.P.O. White Rock
Surrey, B.C. V4A 0B1
(Please make cheques out to All Saints Community Church.)

These Rwandan offering baskets were made by Umurerwa Makulata, a mother of 3 who lives in Kigale, the capital of Rwanda. Her husband spent 12 years in jail because of the genocide.
You can also support the ministry of All Saints by giving online using Interac e-Transfer. Here are the instructions:
1. Transfer to: All Saints White Rock allsaintswhiterock@gmail.com
2. From: your account
3. Amount: your offering, tithe, or gift
4. Message: from you (put your name here)
(Please provide your mailing address and postcode.)
If you are a visitor to our church and live in Canada, please include your postal address in your Interac e-Transfer and we'll send you a tax receipt at the end of the year.
If you have any further questions don't hesitate to call us:
(604) 209-5570